Letters Home from the South Pacific
by Angelo Buccino is one GI’s view of the war amid the heat, bugs, carnage and
noise in an artillery battalion supporting First Marine Division at Guadalcanal
and other islands that never get mentioned.
Buccino wrote these long-lost letters to his best friend back in the
states asking about the old gang.
They turned up nearly sixty years after they were mailed, censored, read
by his buddy and then found again in a forgotten footlocker in his old friend’s
Along with a stack of Angelo’s photos from training and across the
ocean, we’ve put together this collection in time for his 100th
The war aged him, and he passed in his sixth decade. Here is a way to
remember him, his sense of duty, his sense of humor, and the years he
spent on hot bug-infested islands defending all he left at home.
Buccino entered the U.S. Army on February 7, 1941. He served with
Americal division with the First Marine Division, Reinforced, on
Guadalcanal the Fiji Islands and unnamed places in the South Pacific, he
was honorably discharged on September 22, 1945.

“April 25, 1942 – … In spite of the heat, I’m feeling all right. And
when I listen to an American broadcast, I feel even better, man my
heart skips a few beats. From what I’ve seen, if I ever get back to
America, I’ll be like that guy hopping the Chattanooga Choo Choo.
I’ll never roam any more. There’s nothing like the States. Met, take
it from me. I can’t understand why people spent money to go to
Europe when there was so much to see in the States. Yeah man it’s
beyond me.
Your probably wondering when I’ll be home. Well I can’t say but with
a prayer, and a little luck, I hope to be home Christmas. This is my
opinion and I may be well be here for over a year. (Pardon me I just
knocked on wood.)…”

“Dec. 19, 1942 – I received a bushel of mail a few weeks ago, cards,
packages & letters. I’ve been trying to answer them as soon as
possible but I still have four to answer. Stationery is scarce as
hell here, I borrow some from this guy & some from that guy, so I’m
getting by until I receive some through the mail.
The heat of 120 degrees isn’t bad but these large mosquitoes are a
real pain in the neck. They are the largest I’ve seen & when they
bite they draw plenty of blood, then leave a welt the size of a
quarter. You kill one & fifty take its place. Aside from that &
losing some weight, I’m alright, I guess. Oh, yes, a few heat rashes
New From Cherry Blossom
WW2 Letters Home
From The South Pacific
By Angelo Buccino
Available on Amazon

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